Welcome to the ACE

The Association of Chemistry and the Environment (ACE) is a non-profit-making scientific association founded in October 2000 by a group of European scientists. We aim to promote global contact between scientists in academia and research institutes, the commercial sector and social representatives within governmental and regulatory bodies to address environmental problems and to promote education in this area.

We strongly welcome scientists from diverse fields such as atmosphere science, biology, geology, industrial chemistry, medicine, sociology, soil science, toxicology and water science to play an active role within the organisation.

Posted on: Jan 20, 11:03 pm by: Mark Fitzsimons.


The Impact factor of ECL jumped over the 3-value in 2016

Also in 2016 the Impact Factor IF f the associations’ journals has risen and jumped over the 3-value. The IF is now 3.594

Posted on: Oct 9, 04:15 pm by: Jan Schwarzbauer.



Impact factor of ECL increased once again in 2015

The new Impact Factors IF for 2015 have been published. For Environmental Chemistry Letters (ECL) once again an increase, now to 2.918, has been reported. More information about ECL are available at:

Posted on: Jul 18, 12:15 pm by: Jan Schwarzbauer.



Apply for an EMEC meeting scholarship 2016

Invitation for students to apply for an EMEC meeting scholarship funded by ACE

Now in the second year the Association for Chemistry and the Environment (ACE) offers meeting scholarships for MSc and PhD students to participate the annual European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC). EMEC meeting scholarship shall motivate young scientists to participate and shall facilitate an international scientific exchange of PhD candidates and junior scientists during the meeting.

The scholarship covers the conference fee and additionally travel as well as accommodation costs of up to 500 €. The deadline for application for EMEC17 meetings in December is

01. September 2016

Candidates should send an application to the Prof. Dr. Josef Caslavsky (caslavsky@fch.vutbr.cz). The selection of up to five candidates will be based on past academic achievements (grade transcripts, scientific publications) and national quotas. The application have to include:
• Bibliography
• Brief summary of hitherto research work
• Letter of recommendation from a supervisor
• Current enrolment certificate
• Certificate of examination results

Posted on: Jun 17, 03:21 pm by: Jan Schwarzbauer.



Registration for EMEC17 is opened

The 17th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC17) will be held in Inverness, Scotland, on 30.11-02.12.2016.

EMEC17 will provide a wide forum for the exchanges of ideas on recent advances in research and development in environmental chemistry and technology, for people from academia, research, and industry. In addition to the main conference, delegates may also have opportunities to attend half-day ‘special sessions’ on nominated contemporary topics and to attend an intensive one-day training programme on“Lipidomics for environmental scientists”.

More information about the program and further details are available at www.emec17.com

Registration has been opened last week and abstracts can be submitted till the deadline on 15th September 2016.

Posted on: May 17, 01:48 pm by: Jan Schwarzbauer.



Imapct factor 2014 of ECL raised to 2.573

The impact factors for 2014 has been recently published. For Environmental Chemistry Letters the IF gained a very good value of 2.573.

Posted on: Jun 22, 11:55 am by: Jan Schwarzbauer.



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